Funding for private pine rocklands
These programs can help fund management in privately-owned pine rocklands.
· Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP)
o What: Cost-share contract. Management planning assistance and funding only.
o Who: USDA-NRCS Service Center, 305-242-1218 x 3, open M-F 8 –4:30
o How: Contact local service center to determine eligibility (basic if you are a landowner with forest). Then NRCS will schedule site visit.
o When: year-round
· Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP)
o What: Cost-share contract. Improving wildlife habitat.
o Who: USDA-NRCS Service Center, 305-242-1218 x 3, open M-F 8 –4:30
o How: Contact local service center to determine eligibility (requires higher quality, managed habitat). Then NRCS will schedule site visit.
o When: year-round
· Emergency Forest Restoration Program (EFRP)
o What: Emergency funding for natural disaster relief to forest area
o Who: Miami Dade County Farm Service Agency, 1450 N Krome Ave, Ste 102, 800-243-9912, 305-242-1197 ext. 2
o How: contact local FSA office for sign up periods after hurricanes.
o When: During enrollment period after natural disaster (hurricane)
· Conservation Reserve Program (CRP)
o What: Provides funding to convert environmentally sensitive farmland to wildlife habitat, cost sharing
o Who: Miami Dade County Farm Service Agency, 1450 N Krome Ave, Ste 102, 800-243-9912, 305-242-1197 ext. 2
o How: general or continuous enrollment (see factsheet). Contact local FSA office
o When: during general enrollment period or anytime for continuous enrollment, depending on circumstances
· Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program (PFW)
o What: Technical and financial assistance for habitat restoration
o Who: State coordinator, Chad Allison, 904-731-3096,
o How: Contact state coordinator to schedule a site visit
o When: Year round